Monday, September 7, 2009

Beautiful Sounds

My name is Beth and I am a music junkie.

I had to quit my subscription to Rolling Stone Magazine because I am a bit of a pack rat. Instead of passing on the issues when I was finished with them like a sane person might do, I would hold on to them - I might forget something, or want to reread them later! Um, yeah. Because I have an immense amount of time on my hands. With my two jobs(!) So rather than add to the complication of my life by adding on several years' worth the magazine subscription to the clutter, I got rid of those pesky magazines and the subscription. I probably only cared for about a third or fourth of the music recommended there, anyway, but it was a way to find out about new (and old) talents I wouldn't have otherwise heard of, and I have missed that aspect.

And then I discovered Public Radio. Sick of the same crap (or good) rock played over and over again on the radio, I searched the stations for something good, and settled briefly on a "light" station until I realized they played the same songs all of the time, too. And finally I remembered how my dad (the source of all coolness) always played the most interesting things when I used to ride back and forth with him to work. And would display the mildest sort of dismay when mom and I would unwittingly talk over a story that was interesting to him at the time. Or how I'd look out the window as a kid and watch him sit in the car to finish a story or a song before he'd turn of the engine and come in after work. I finally got interested in knowing what was so interesting to him - after all, he introduced me to Pat Benatar, Kate Bush, Kansas, Alan Parsons, David Bowie, Loreena McKennitt, and do I need to go on? So I hunted for the station (89.3 here in Acadiana) and started listening.

NPR Music has more than filled the gap in my musical journey; it has expanded it - I've rediscovered my love for opera and Mozart in Danielle de Niese, found new indie artists like Taken by Trees (technically I already knew of her but the article reinforced my interest), or discovered a band from the 70's that I hadn't yet experienced (Big Star). And that's just this week. Did you know that every week they feature different artists' entire albums that you can listen to online? It's amazing to me that there's so much variety on one station - and that's not all you get there, there's news and human interest stories and I find that overall they are more interested in telling stories than forwarding a left or right agenda, which is nice.

Listening to NPR is reminding me of how good it felt to attend Festival Internationale in Lafayette, this year - it was so thrilling to be surrounded by these different cultures, to experience these bands and musicians from all over the country and to realize that there's so much more out there than we get exposed to by sticking to the mostly formulaic products of mainstream music and television industry.

I know I sound like a big commercial for NPR, but I kind of love that you can get exposed to so much culture in one station. So if you have a musical gap in your life, check them out! And if you like them enough to listen to them regularly, consider donating. I don't think there are enough programs out there that enrich our life - entertainment should really be a means, not an end, and they keep that in mind here.

Rock Your Soul

My friend, Korie, sent this video to me last week, and I watched it again this morning and it's just amazing.. so I'm sharing it here.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Misty Morning Playlist

1. Bat for Lashes -- Moon and Moon
2. Death Cab for Cutie -- Soul Meets Body
3. GrizzlyBear -- Service Bell
4. Jack Johnson -- Banana Pancakes
5. Jenny Lewis -- Pretty Bird
6. Jose Gonzalez -- Teardrop
7. Teitur -- I Was Just Thinking
8. The Shins -- New Slang
9. Anna Nalick -- Wreck of the Day
10. Vampire Weekend -- Mansard Roof
11. Grizzly Bear -- Deep Blue Sea
12. Corin Joel -- I Kissed a Girl
13. Yael Naim -- Far far
14. Iron & Wine -- Stolen Houses
15. The All New Adventures of Us -- St. Crispin's Got Our Backs
16. Annal Nalick -- Consider This
17. Grizzly Bear -- Owner of a Lonely Heart
18. Bodies of Water -- Dear Boy
19. Regina Spektor -- Samson
20. Neko Case -- Middle Cyclone
21. Bon Iver -- Skinny Love
22. Rogue Wave -- Electro-Socket Blues
23. Aimee Mann -- Par for the Course
24. James Blunt -- Shine On
25. Kimya Dawson -- So Nice So Smart

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Exit the Rock

So today I'm home sick, and from the boredom that inevitably follows if I'm not knocked out cold from whatever's ailing me and keeping me from being active elsewhere, I've been driven to the web. I did the facebook thing, and then I did the email thing, and someone sent me an email that really got me thinking. And the more I thought, the more ashamed I felt. I'll explain.

I don't know about you, but I hate the news.

Every time I turn it on, I see tragedy - people all over are in pain, whether it's from economic hardship, the loss of their loved ones through violence, murder or natural causes, or any number of the things that cause humans to suffer. I have a soft heart, and when I watch these things it hurts my heart, and I don't like to have my heart hurt, so I turn it off.

And I turn away.

Is this the right thing to do? I think we get so wrapped up in the right thing to do for ourselves that we forget to do the right thing for other people. And we get deadened to their suffering, and numb to existence of pain in anyone in ourselves. I can tell you all day about the pain in my life, and the hardships I suffer, but am I going to mention or consider the suffering of people who are less able to address their problems than I am? Am I going to offer the charities that reach out to these people more than a passing, wistful thought that I wish I had time to really help them?

And have you looked at our country, lately, or really considered the direction it's taking? I can honestly say I have avoided paying much attention to politics or the government for the past few years, or my responsibility as a citizen to be informed. Briefly my interest in a presidential candidate, Ron Paul, made me look into affairs, in a cursory fashion, but I didn't really take anything in. I always think - I don't have time for that. I don't have the capacity to really soak in and understand what's going on, there, so I better just leave it to other people. And unfortunately, I think that's probably the attitude many have. Not that some people don't actually have better or worthier things to do with their time, we do all have our own talents - but surely a certain amount of interaction that should take place?

I'm not an overnight convert, I'm not saying that I am suddenly this expert on current events, our nation's future, or politics at all. But I do think that these matters deserve more of my attention than I've previously offered. And I hope to report on what I find within the next few weeks.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Today's wake-up playlist

Kate Nash - Mouthwash
Lykke Li - Little Bit
Taylor Swift - Love Story
Bat for Lashes - Pearl's Dream
Lady Gaga - Pokerface (Piano and voice)
Kate Nash - We Get On
Lily Allen - Back to the Start
Kleerup feat. Lykke Li - Until We Blood
Feist & Ben Gibbard - The Train Song
Bat for Lashes - Daniel
Kate Nash - Foundations
Lykke Li - Complaint Department

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Texting While Driving -- Graphic, not for young children

This is a public service announcement in Wales. I'll be honest - usually stuff that floats around on the internet so that you have to notice it repeatedly if you spend anytime at all online annoys the crap out of me, but this video is worth reposting if it saves just one person the grief of an accident. Texting while driving might seem harmless or might seem like something you can handle, but is it worth the gamble?

NOTE: I embedded the wrong video above, this is the actual link: